SUICIDES VICTIM'S FUNERAL WILL BE HELD SUNDAY "Body Found in Pond Near Morgan-Owen County Line"
Owen County Democrat Thurs 31 August 1939
The body of Mrs. Anna Louise Abel, 49, who was found in a pond Thursday near her home in Morgan County near the Owen-Morgan county line, was brought to the West Funeral home in Spencer.
The husband, Luther Abel, who found the body, and neighbors attempted to revive her without success. Mr. Abel told Deputy Coroner J. W. Cure, of Morgan county, who conducted the inquest, that his wife had been in ill health and had attempted to take her life on two previous occasions. The deceased was a native of Owen county.
In addition to the widower, survivivors include one daughter, Mrs. Lena Fern Sink, of Quincy, and two sons, John Albert, of California, and Arthur Orell, at home.
Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon at Amity Baptist church south of Cloverdale. Burial will be in Mannan cemetery near Quincy. Posted by Kathy Bargerhuff