Will and Probate
of Daniel Beem

This was submitted by Patricia Wink and it had originally been posted by Tracey Marcelo

Estate Records of Daniel Beem, Owen Co. Indiana

( Contributors note: I don't have the numbers or dates of the Owen Co. probate books that these records came from; however, I typed this information directly from photocopied pages of the probate books. The photocopies were given to me by another researcher. I added ? when I had difficulty deciphering text.)

p. 13

At a special session began and held at the courthouse in Spencer in the County of Owen and State of Indiana for the Probate of wills so on Wednesday the 20 November 1823...

On this day came into court Levi Beam and Amma Beam and made choise of Neely Beam for their Guardian. Whereupon the court ordered that the said Neely Beam be appointed Guardian to the said Levi Beam and Amma Beam minor heirs of Daniel Beam Deceased.

p. 25-26

Court of Probate Owen County November Term 1824, 3 day. Present the Honourable John A Porter President Judge of the first Judical Circuit of the State of Indiana and Reuben McDaniel, his associate. On this day, Richard Beem and Neely Beem, executors of the last will and testament of Daniel Beem deceased produced in open Court the last will and testament of the said Daniel Beem deceased which was proved by the oath of James Shipman a suscribing witness thereto, that he the said James Shipman subscribed his name thereto, in the presence of the said testator and that the said testator was in his sound mind at the time of making the said will and testament. The said will and testament was further proved by the oath of Isaac Naylor that he was acquainted with the hand writing of Alexander A Meek a subscribing witness thereto, and that his name was subscribed in the proper handwriting of Alexander A Meek and that the said Alexander A Meek had departed this life which said will and testament was therefore ordered to be recorded whereupon the said Richard Beem and Neely Beem took an oath according to law, faithfully to discharge their duty as executor aforesaid. It is further ordered that letters? testament any assine? to the said Richard Beem and Neely Beem, upon their entering into bond in the penalty of six thousand dollars conditional according to law with Enoch Beem, Levi, Beem, Hugh Bamy? Barry? Barnes? and Thomas Allen their security. And it is further ordered that the letters of administration heretofore granted to the said Richard Beem and Neely Beem as administrators of the estate of the said Daniel Beem deceased be and the same are hereby worked? set aside and held for bought?

p. 27

Will of Daniel Beem Deceased. (no date)

In the name of God Amen I Daniel Beem who being infirm in body but of sound mind and memory and foreseeing the uncertainty of this life for the purpose of making a final and future disposition of my worldly property--do make and declare this my last will and testament.

First, I do bequath unto my beloved and faithful wife Mary Beem the use and benefit of all my personal property during her natural life and also to have and enjoy the homestead or farm where on I now live during her natural life.

Secondly, It is my will and desire that Neely Beem, Richard Beem, and Enoch Beem my sons shall have posses and enjoy all my estate both real and personal to the exclusion of all others until their younger brother and sisters Levi Beem and Rebecca Beem and Amma Beem who are now in ?teneur tender? years shall arrive at age or by marriage seperate from the family at which time at which time the said Neely Richard Enoch Levi Rebecca and Amma or the survivors of them or their heirs lawfully begotten sshall each have their equal proportion of all my said estate and share alike.

Thirdly, It is further my desire and will that in the case of my decease and the decease of my said wife Mary before our younger children arrive at sufficiant age that the proceeds of my property both real and personal shall be dqually applied to their support and education until they arrive the males at thwo one years and the females at eighteen until they should marry and settle in life at which time they shall have their part of my estate both real and personal set off and conveyed to them as soon as my be.

I desire that my Executors shall is soon as my be after my decease pay my funeral expenses and all my just debts.

Lastly, I do appoint my two sons Richard Beem and Neely my executors to this my last will and testement.

Having already set out in life my son Michael Beem, I now will to him seventeen dollars as his ?outer? share of my estate and having also set out in life my daughter Elizabeth who intermarried with John Craig, I also give her in full of her portion of my estate seventeen dollars. I also give and bequeath unto my daugher Mary the sum of seventeen dollars in full of her part of my estate and it is my will and desire that the foregoing ?legacy bo pard onto of my personal estate as ? issue? may be after in deceased?

Signed, sealed, and published in presents of us: John Baldwin, James Shipman and AlexAMeek. (no date)

Daniel X (his X mark) Beem

p. 1

In a court began and held at the house of John Dunn in the county of Owen and State of Indiana for the Probate of Wills to? on Monday the 27th of September 1829, Present the Hon. Joseph Freeland and Hugh Barnes.

Ordered by the court that Neely Beam and Richard Beam be appointed adminstrators of the goods and chattles Lands and ?Venements? of Daniel Beam deceased whereas the said Neely and Richard Beem entered into and acknowledged a bond in the


Penal sum of eleven thousand four hundred and sixty dollars together with David Johnson and John Dunn their securities and also took and oath for the faithful discharge of their duties whereupon the court ordered that letters of adminstration be grand to the said Neely Beam and Richard Beam accordingly.

Ordered by the court that Jesse Evans, John Bartholomew, and Alexander McBride be and they are hereby appointed appraisers of the estate of Daniel Beam Deceased.

At a court began and held at the house of John Dunn in the County of Owen and State of Indiana for the probate and wills ? on the 22 day of May 1820? Present Joseph Freeland and Hugh Barnes. On this day came Neely Beem one of the administrators of Daniel Beem deceased and returned into court the following inventory containing a list of all the property yet received by him belonging to the said Estate which starts in the following words and figures to wit:

Neely Beem One Still 10.00

Isam Sumpter? One crosscut saw 9.50

Enoch Beam One pair gears 4.50

James Bigger One pair gears 6.00

Widow Beam One pair do. 4.50

Philip Hart One barrel salt 24.00

Widow Beam One barrel salt 15.25

John Johnson One barrel whisky 27.00

Neely Beam One Barrel do. 27.50

York Jones One Barrel do. 26.87

John Wakefield One empty barrel 1.00

John Wakefield One do. .93 3/4

Daniel Harriss One Empty do. 1.12 1/2

Jesse Evans One Empty do. 1.00

Widow Beam One vinegar barrel .75

(same) One small pot 1.00

(same) One small kettle .75

(same) One copper teakettle 2.00

(same) Sundry castings 10.00

(same) shovel & tongs & castings 5.00

(same) Kitchen furniture 3.00

(same) One Loom and Tacklin 6.00

(same) One side saddle 13.00

Hugh Barnes One mares saddle 13.00

William Dyer One Falling Axe 1.37 1/2

John Tolbert One do. 3.50

William Dyer Two falling do. 1.50

Widow Beam Axes & one iron wedge 2.50

Widow Beam Two hoes 1.00

William Dyer One hoe 1.38

John McKinney One gig 2.00

Isam Sumpter? One rifle gun, moles & shot bag 10.25

Thomas Scott One rifle gun do. & do. 15.00

Widow Beam Sundry articles 2.00

William Boles Part if a log chain 1.31 1/4

Widow Beam four chairs 1.00

(same) one table 2.00

(same) bureau 10.00

(same) one bedstead, bed & furn. 10.00

(same) do & do & do 15.00

(same) do & do & do 20.00

James Bigger one Trow? 1.25

Widow Beam one shovel Plough 3.10 ?

(same) one barshear plough 3.00

(same) Do & do 5.00

(same) One half bushel? (page torn)

Widow Beam One Flatiron 1.00

Enoch Beam One Fifth chain 6.00

James Bigger One Red Bo? 1.50

Widow Beam One gang of hogs 40.00

James Bigger One hog find? choise 6.00

(same) Do. 2 ch oise 6.75

William Boles One do third do. 6.62 1/2

Thomas Bull One do. fourth the do 6.56 1/4

Comfort Waltin One do fifth the do. 7.00

Enoch Beam One sow and 2 pigs 2.00

Levi Beam One sow with pig 6.50

Abraham Henderson One sow & five pigs 6.65

(same) Second sow & pigs 6.50

William Dyer third do 4.70 1/4

William Boles seven hogs 25.56 1/4

Thomas Bull Two sows & five ?coats? 15.00

Widow Beam Bell cow and calf 12.50

(same) Brown cow and calf 12.50

(same) One red & white heifer 10.00

Enoch Beam One red & white cow & calf 22.00

Issac Buskirk One red & white cow & calf 21.00

Benjamin Hoshaw Two stears 35.00

Issac Cooper One Red cow & calf 17.00

Thomas Bull one Black & one brindle stear 18.50

Andrew Evans One Black Heifer 8.18 3/4

Widow Beam One White Heifer 5.00

Robert Blair One bar of steel 6.37 1/2

John Johnson One barrel of whiskey 29.12 1/2

York Jones Do and do 30.06 1/4

Thomas Bull Do & do 30.02

Abraham Henderson fifty bushels corn 20.00

Thomas Bull Do Do 21.50

Joshua Matheny twenty five do 8.12 1/2

Hugh Ensly do? Do. 8.75

Joshua Matheny fifty do. 15.12 1/2

Nely Beam do 14.25

Daniel Harriss do 16.00

Hugh Ensly do 15.00

James Gattitty do 15.00

William Boles do 15.37 1/2

Abner Alexander do 15.25

Thomas Bule ? do 16.00

same do 15.75

same do 15.75

same do 16.25

same do 16.00

same do 16.00

same do 16.00

same do 16.06 1/4

Neely Beam do 16.25

Thomas Bull? do 16.50

Widow Beam seven pairs of G? 7.00

(same) six sheep 12.00

Widow Beam 250 bushels corn 100.00

James Steel 50 bushels corn at 40 cts 20.00

same one bay mare 90.00

Widow Beam one brown mare 21.00

Levi Beam one colt 20.00

Widow Beam one pair Stutssds? 3.03

(same) one augur .77

(same) one handsaw 2.11

Daniel Harriss five hogs and six pigs 15.12 1/2

William McCooper one hog 3.51

Joshua Matheny one hog 3 (torn)

Jacob McIntim one hog (torn)

Same one hog 3.25

William W Cooper one hog 2.13

Neely Beam one hog 3.00

Josiah Cooper one hog 1.26

Same eleven pigs 3.00

Widow Beam Three hogs 5.00

(same) One hog 1.00

Neely Beam One hog 3.00

James Bigger One hog 2.50

Joshua Matheny One hog 1.87 1/2

James Bigger One hog 2.13

Isaiah Cooper Four hogs 7.13

Widow Beam One horse 30.00

Total amount $1448.38

The within is a true bill given under our hands and seals: John Dunn; William Baker , clerks of sale Ordered that the courth adjourn until court in course.

Probate Records


Debbie Jennings

Website Coordinator