Submitted by Debbie Jennings

4 cups lima beans

4 cups green beans
2 cups wax beans

4 cups cabbage,chopped

4 cups cauliflower

4 cups celery,cut in chunks
4 cups carrots,sliced

4 cups cucumbers,cut in chunks
4 cups red and green peppers

3 cups apple cider vinegar
chopped 1 Tbls mustard seed
4 cups white onions

4 cups corn
4 cups sugar

1 cup water
1 Tbls pickling spice

1 Tbls celery seed

Cook each vegetable separately till tender, but not mushy.
When done, lift each out of hot water with slotted spoon and
rinse with cold water, to stop its cooking and preserve
color. Drain, then layer into large dishpan. Combine
sugar,vinegar,water, and spices in a 15 quart stockpot[1/2
batch in 8 quart] and bring to a boil. Make sure sugar is
fully dissolved then spoon all vegetables into the syrup and
boil for 5 minutes. Stir gently, only to mix vegetables
well.Spoon into hot, sterilized jars and seals.