This recipe is from my husband's grandmother, and although I have never made it I have eaten it and it is worth the time

Debbie Jennings

3 cups tender sweet corn 3 cups vinegar
kernels 3 cups sugar
3 large onions,finely 1/2 cup flour
chopped 1/4 cup dry mustard
1 red pepper,finely 1 tsp tumeric
chopped 2 tsp celery seed
4 green peppers,finely 4 cups cabbage,finely chopped
chopped 2 tsp salt

Add corn kernels to other vegetables,set aside. Mix together
vinegar,sugar,flour,dry mustard,tumeric and salt put in
canning kettle on medium heat. Add vegetables and cook 1/2
hour. Add celery seed and pack into size jars desired and
seal to directions. Process 15 minutes in boiling water bath.
Will keep several days in fridge without sealing.