(In viewing these listings, the numbers such as (4)649-650are the book and page numbers that the divorce is listed in).
Fain, Samuel Fain, Peggy (1A) 239,300 (1) 208 1829 Granted
Farris, Emily Farris, Alexander (6) 399,412,464 48 May 6 1854 Dismissed
Filbert, Luke Filbert, Rebecca (4) 432 Sep 1866 Rebecca comes not. Divorce granted
Fisher, Minerva Fisher, Edward 41/126 Dec 10 1859
Fowler, Rachel Fowler, Thomas A. (5) 9 Sep 1867 Cause dismissed
Fowler, Rachel Fowler, Thomas A. (5) 319 Sep 1869 Thomas comes not; divorce granted. Custody of children to Rachel
Fraker, Celia Fraker, Robert (6) 9,71 52 May 2 1854 Dismissed; plaintiff to recover costs
Fraker, Celia Fraker, Robert (6) 71 52 1853 Dismissed
Frazier, Polly Frazier, Abner (3) 37,86,140 (3) 275-281 55 1840 Dissolved
French, Henry French, Sally (1A) 223,248 (1) 152,208 1827 Granted
Fulk, William R. Fulk, Elizabeth J. (4) 316,351 5/135 Jan 1866 Cause dismissed
Fulk, David Fulk, Malonia (8) 398,410 2 Feb 1866 Divorce granted
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