

21 June 1917 "The Gosport Reporter" News

(partial article only)

DR. H. A. FOX, 54, one of the most prominent and widely known of Owen county's physicians, died here at his home Sunday morning at three o'clock from cerebral hemorage. Last Thursday Dr. Fox fell a short distance from the door of a corn crib at his barn, striking his left shoulder, and being a very large man, weighing close to two hundred and sixty pounds, the force of the fall was sufficient to tear the ligaments from the bones of his shoulder. He had the injury attended to by a brother physician and although it gave him considerable pain it did not keep him condined to his home and to a great extent he continued Friday and Saturday looking after the health of his patients. Saturday night he retired at eleven o'clock feeling as well as usual. Shortly after midnight Mrs. Fox was awakened by the labored breathing of the Doctor and attempted to arouse him. Failing, she called their son, Herman, who after vainly trying to arouse his father, called Dr. Willoughby and Dr. Stucky. They in turn, after working over the unconscious man a short time and meeting with no success, called Dr. Allen Pierson, of Spencer, one of Dr. Fox's most intimate friends whom he always called in consultation in cases where he judged such action necessary. Dr. Pierson's efforts to restore Dr. Fox to consciousness were in vain, death terminating the struggle at three o'clock. Funeral services were conducted from the home Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock, by Rev. W.R.Thom, of the Methodist church, and burial was in Gosport cemetery. He was a member of Gosport Masonic and Knoghts of Pythias Lodges and the funeral services of the orders were observed at the cemetery. Dr. Fox was born in Bruceville, Knox county. He attended the public schools there, graduating from the University of Vincennes, Indiana, and from Starling Medical College, Columbus, O. Shortly after graduation from medical college, 1892, he came to Gosport and became associated in the practice of his profession with the late Dr. J.W. Smith. He leaves the wife, daughter of Dr. Smith, his late professional associate, one son Herman, two brothers and three sisters. The brothers are J. Brad Fox of Gosport, and the Rev. F.M. Fox of Springfield, O., The sisters; Mrs. Eliza Willis of Detroit, Mich., Mrs. A. S. Doak of West Union, O., and Mrs. D.A. Doak of Seaman, O.

Posted by Kathy Bargerhuff

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