"SHERRIFF'S SALE" ( Excerpts & Partial Articles COMBINED) By virtue of a Vendi to me directed from the Clerk's office of Owen Circuit Court: in favor of WILLIAM M. FRANKLIN, and against MADISON H. WHITE and ELEANOR M. WHITE in favor of H ------ CROWMER, and against ELEANOR M. WHITE in favor of MARTHA BAILEY, and against PHILANDER BAILEY in favor of NATHANIEL SPANGLER, and against MADISON WHITE in favor of GEORGE W. STEEL, and against MADISON H. WHITE in favor of AARON H. McCARTY, and against ENOCH S. STOUT I will expose to sale at public auction on Saturday the 24th day of April 1858, at the Court-house door in the town of Spencer, Owen county, Indiana, between the hours of 10 o'clock AM and 4 o'clock PM the rents and profits for a term not exceeding seven years of the following real estate, to wit: JOHN M. COLEMAN, Sheriff O.C.