Owen County Democrat March 11, 1920
Submitted by Carol Heidrick
Bertha Fay Coble Gaston, daughter of John and Marietta Coble was born December 9, 1896 and died at her home in Pecatanica, Illinois February 26, 1920, aged 23 years 2 months 17 days. She was united with the Church of Christ at New Union September 2nd 1911 and was a faithful member until her death. While it is hard for us to give our dear one up we should not sorrow as those who have no hope, for we believe she is safe in the arms of Jesus and that some day we shall meet her and part no more. She was married to Harris Gaston April 26th 1919 and to this union one son was born, Milford Eugene, who preceded her in death. She is survived by her parents, four sisters and one brother; Mrs. Alvin Melick of Lyons; Mrs. Ross Criss of Hymera; Mrs. Ray Mitten; Ralph and Elizabeth Coble of Spencer. The body was brought to Spencer on the 10 o'clock train Sunday, February 29th and funeral services were held in the court house auditorium after which interment was made in the New Hope Cemetery.
"Blessed are them that die in the Lord" and "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints". Let us not think of Bertha as dead, but resting sweetly with her Saviour. Just why she was taken when the world it seems needed such cheerful, helpful, sincere, earnest Christians as she, we cannot tell. She was loved by all who knew her and she will be greatly missed by her relatives and a host of friends. She taught five terms of school and was loved by all who knew her. She was also a teacher at Bible class at New Union.
We wish to thank all those who assisted in any way at the death of our loved one.
Harris Gaston, John Coble and family