Owen County (Indiana) Democrat, March 25, 1915, p. 1.
Mrs. Luther Gwin, who lived near Carp, died last Thursday. Her death was sudden. She had a hemorrhage and in twenty minutes she had passed away. She was fifty two years old and apparently in good health. She was a member of the M. E. Church and also a member of the Ladies' Aid of the Bethany Presbyterian Church. The funeral was conducted Saturday afternoon at Hudson Hill by a former pastor assisted by Rev. W. H. Gray of Spencer.
Posted by Randi Richardson
Mrs. F. L. Gwin of Montgomery Township Passes Away
Owen County (Indiana) Democrat, April 1, 1915, p. 8.
On the Alverson homestead two miles south of this spot, on September 1, 1862, was born the subject of this sketch, Alma Alverson, the oldest child of Thomas H. and Marietta (Goss) Alverson. She died suddenly at her home in this (Montgomery) township March 18, 1915, the span of her life between these two prime events of our common existence being 52 ½ years. Alma grew up in her father's home, a member of a large family, experiencing the events of country-girl life, busy at home, attending district schools and taking part in the church and Sunday school work. She early developed a love for reading and music and the beautiful things of life that she always retained . My acquaintance with Mrs. Gwin began when I taught my first school and has continued from that first day at school to the present hour, almost two score years. On March 25, 1883, at the home of her uncle, James P. Alverson, she was married to Mr. F. L. Gwin with whom she trod life's uneven pathway for 32 years. The devoted, faithful husband, and her only living child, Mrs. Vermillon (sic) survive her. To them we tender the love and sympathy of Christian neighbors.
Posted by Randi Richardson