(In viewing these listings, the numbers such as (4)649-650are the book and page numbers that the divorce is listed in).
Jenkins, Green Jenkins, Ann (9) 306,338 Feb 1869 Ann comes not; then found for defendant. Case dismissed
Jenkins, Green Jenkins, Ann (5) 335 Sep 1869 Dismissed
Johns, Lavina C. Johns, William H. (6) 316 150 May 1872 William comes not; divorce granted
Johnson, Christina Johnson, William F. (3) 583 23 May 1863 Cause dismissed at William's request
Johnson, Permilia Johnson, William (6) 190,285,336 48 May 2 1856 Divorce granted
Johnson, Christina Johnson, William F. and Finley B. (4) 104,128, 164, 205 30 May 1865 Cause dismissed
Jones, Sampson K. Jones, Mary A. (5) 156 104 May 1868 Cross bill filed. Divorce granted to Mary; alimony
Jones, Elizabeth Jones, Hugh W.T. (8) 402,427 1/135 Feb 1866 Hugh comes not. Divorce granted; alimony; custody of Mary Ann and Temperance to Elizabeth
Jones, Eliza J. Jones, Charles (4) 119 30 May 1864 Charles comes not. Divorce granted
Justus, Susan Justus, Isaac S. (5) 397,461 123 May 1870 Isaac comes not; divorce granted
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