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The Old
These pages last updated October 21, 2003
This is a particular area of research that I find has a concern that merits everyone's attention. As many of you have yourself sent photo's and have no real idea just who they are or where they were taken, I am certain that most of you can identify with this concern.
I am referring to that genealogist's nightmare of finding an old photo album or perhaps, your parents have one right now sitting on a shelf. You might ask, "Where is the nightmare?"
The nightmare is in the fact that although "mom and dad" know who these people are or perhaps Uncle Clyde knew who some of the others were, YOU have no earthly idea.
As sad as it is, your parents are mortal and one day will no longer be around. At that point, you or another family member will have that photo album, but it may as well be written in another language for all the good it will be to you..
Take some time now and learn who these people are, attempt to talk your parents/family members into naming these photos in such a way that you will know later on just who they are. Prevent others later on from going through your frustration of identifying photos.
If you cannot get someone to actually label the photos for you, perhaps you can use some of the following tips to gain the info for yourself and save it. Conversely, if you have any tips to add to the list, please submit them.
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