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Orphans Home

Page created February 7, 2007

The Orphans Home housed only children along with the persons necessary to the upkeep of the institution. All the children of age are attending school. There are a total of 25 children, 2 governess, 2 servants as well as the manager & his wife, the matron along with their daughter.

The listing below contains the orphans listed there on January 28, 1920. I don't say this with any certainty, BUT given the year of 1920~ it is not inconceivable that some of these children were orphaned during the influenza epidemic of 1918.

Name Age/Relation Birthplace Father b./Mother b. Occupation
Ulysses Grant ABBOT 51/HeadIN OH/IN Manager
Irene ABBOT 52/WifeIN GA/IN Matron
Joy ABBOT 18/DaughterIN IN/IN --
Robert FISHER 10/Orphan IN -- in school
Irene FISHER 13/OrphanIN -- in school
Mary BLUNK 6/OrphanIN -- in school
Marie BLUNK 6/OrphanIN -- in school
Mildred NORTH 10/OrphanIN -- in school
Marian NORTH 6/OrphanIN -- in school
Buddy NORTH 4/OrphanIN -- --
Ruth BRYANT 12/OrphanIN -- in school
Kenneth BRYANT 9/OrphanIN -- in school
Pearl BRYANT 7/OrphanIN -- in school
Stella EATON 9/OrphanIN -- in school
Claude REPINE 8/OrphanIN -- in school
Lena REPINE 11/OrphanIN -- in school
Emma SHOUSE 4/OrphanIN -- --
Elsie STANLEY 12/OrphanIN -- in school
Clyde STANLEY 10/OrphanIN -- in school
Frank MILEY 12/OrphanIN -- in school
Carl MILEY 9/OrphanIN -- in school
Edmund MILEY 6/OrphanIN -- in school
Kermit PELL 8/OrphanIN -- in school
Wayne PELL 7/OrphanIN -- in school
Wendell PELL 7/OrphanIN -- in school
Mildred PELL 5/OrphanIN -- --
James BLACKWELL 11/OrphanIN -- in school
Bernice BLACKWELL 9/OrphanIN -- in school
Mary E. CARSON 60/GovernessIN OH/IN Governess
Charles MOORE 53/ServantIN IN/IN Janitor
Ella MOORE 46/ServantKY ILL/IN Housekeeper
Cora D. KELCH 53/GovernessOH NY/OH Governess


Debbie Jennings