Of Putnam County |
This page last updated October 1, 2003
On Sunday, April 14 1861 President Lincoln drafted his proclamation and called
for 75,000 three month volunteers to defend the nation. This proclamation was dated and telegraphed
to the country on April 15, 1861...
That same day Oliver P. Morton, Governor of Indiana sent a telegram to the White House.
"On Behalf of the State of Indiana, I tender to you for the defense of the Nation and to
uphold the authority of the Government; ten thousand men".
His offer of men to defend the Union met with a hearty and patriotic response in all parts of Indiana.
Putnam county heard and heeded the call....
Below are the beginnings of the men who enlisted from Putnam county. I will attempt to add men to these
as time allows. If you have any of your ancestors that you know were in a certain troop, please submit them.
If you have any information that one of your ancestors were killed/wounded during the Civil War; please send
that in and I will at it to the names.
As I go through these and as I obtain it, some of the men will have links providing additional information.
I encourage everyone to send any information you may have on one of the men listed and I will link it to our listings.
This will continue to be a work in progress for some time, I am hopeful of obtaining data from our visitors.
115th Infantry Company C--Privates
115th Infantry Company C--Officers
115th Infantry Company C--Musicians and Wagoner
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