Located about 7 miles northwest of Spencer at the turn of the
20th Century
Raymond S. Edwards
Dennis Stuckey
David Garrett
Hubert Rundell
Luther Evans
Ross Willoughby
Hoyt Willoughby
Grane Ennis
Della Medaris
Elsie Rundell
Ernest Rundell
Herbert Evans
Walter Minnick
Harold Willoughby
James Stuckey
Estil Evans
Elmer Hauk
Amos Stuckey
Walter Garrett
Clayton Hauk
Leroy Stuckey
Ethel Hendershot
Alma Coble
Dossie Medaris
Ben Garrett
Harry McClure
Pearl McClure
Mabel Hendershot
Frank Hendershot
Hattie Hendershot
Esta Coble
Stella Edwards
Effie Medaris