Photo 1 of Scott Cemetery Submitted by Nancy White
Photo 2 of Scott Cemetery Submitted by Nancy White
This listing was sent to me by Nancy Scott. (Thanks!). This cemetery is located in Section 2 of Franklin
Township. The first burials were made here about 1823, but the cemetery has since been abandoned and is overgrown with bushes & trees
Nancy White and Nancy Scott visited the Scott Cemetery and the Hicks Cemetery during the week of April
29th-May 3rd. Nancy White sent photos of the cemetery condition and Nancy Scott updated her assessment of the condition. We are most grateful for both of these. I will get the ones for Hicks
done shortly.
Additional notation by Nancy Scott on May 4, 2002
Alexander Abrell's wife is buried in Scott cemetery, but I couldn't find the stone
this trip, nor his father's, Jacob Abrell. The cemetery appears to have
been vandalized. A few stones are missing, Robt & Atlantic's is tipped over
on its face, and a couple leaning. The stones are all weathered more since
we were there four years ago.
Comment and Question from Nancy Scott
Eson, C. (Recently discovered stone, red stone, broken on both sides. The name "C. Eson" is large and clear, but the dates are illegible. This could be George, son of Elizabeth Scott & first husband Alexander Eason, sometimes spelled Eson. George died age 12. Or it could be one of Elizabeth's in-laws. Do you know?)
Mary, wife of James M. Scott
George W. and
John W., sons of J. M. and M. Scott
William N. B., b. May 7, 1821, d. Oct. 2, 1868.
Major Samuel, d ____, 1855, age 69 y, 7 m. 6 d.
The following names listed on the lower half of Major Samuel Scott stone: Elizabeth G., James M, William N. B., Dicy A., Mary L., George W., Emily, John T. M., Robert T., Nancy N. (?), ______ W. (?), Thomas (?), Jane (?)
[Samuel Scott died 23 April 1855, according to Bounty Land Warrant. The names of the sons with question marks are Pleasant W. and Thomas Jefferson.]
A stone bearing initials, J. C. A.
Atkinson, D., son J. T. M. and Mary G. Scott, d July 13, 1853, 8 y, 6 m, 13 d.
T. L. H. Scott, died November 4, 1841, 4 m.
Elizabeth C., daughter J. t. M. and Mary G. Scott, d. Jan 29, 1844, 26 d.
L. A. Scott, d. Oct 17 ____ (This is a field stone and nearly illegible.)
Milly, wife of Samuel Scott, died Nov. 7, 1854, age 60.
T. Jefferson Scott, d. Jan. 14, 1857.
Margareta O. (this is hard to read), daughter of J. T. M. & Mary G. Scott, d. 1860 March 2.
Small stone with initials: R. T. S.
Jacob, June 12 (?), 1793 to June 31, 1853.
_____ ?) (Dorothy HUNT) wife of Alexander M. Abrell, born May 14, 1831, d. June 21, 1859.
Mary, wife of F. Hansford, died Dec. 17, 1865, 31 y.,11 m., 28 d.
This is a compilation made by DAR in the 1980s, plus addition of stones which we saw a few years ago.
Walter and Nancy Scott