"Beautiful faces are those that
whole-souled honesty written there
.Beautiful eyes are those that show
Beautiful thoughts that burn below
Beautiful hands are those that do
Deeds that. are. earnest, brave and true
Beautiful shoulders are they that bear
Ceaseless burdens of honest care.
Beautiful feet are they that go
Swiftly to lighten another's woe."
These few lines fully portray the life of Mary Robertson Sears who
was born Oct. 2; 1858, in Owen County, Ind., and died at her home in
Patricksburg, Owen Co., Ind.. July 3rd. 1927, following an illness of more
than a year.
She was the oldest .daughter of John S. and Sarah J. Robertson, in a
family of eight children of whom only three survive, one sister and two
brothers, her father, mother and four sisters having preceded her to that
better world.
She united with the Methodist Episcopal Church at Vandalia in the
year 1876, under the pastorate of Rev. Samuel Kennedy. Later she
transferred her membership to Patricksburg M. E. Church where she was
faithful and loyal until she was
called home.
She was united in marriage to Thomas A. Brown on June 28, 1877 by Rev.
Kennedy. Mr: Brown died Jan. 5,. 1911. . On July 22, 1915,
she was married to Isaac J. Bears who preceded her in death. May 5th. 1926.
In her home, Mrs. Sears was ever a kind and true helpmate. Not a
fibre of selfishness was to be found in her disposition. Her large
sympathies reached far beyond her own hearthstone and, in .her quiet, modest
way, she ministered to the suffering
and dispensed her charity with a willing heart and hand. Those who knew
her best loved her most. May the loss of a sister so dear and so devoted
to them in life, tend to strengthen and purify those whom she has left
behind while they live with the memory of her love, of the tender and
watchful care administered by her, comforted by the surety and realization
that she is forever at rest in that eternal haven where only peace and
happiness reign.
Posted by Bruce Davis