The President being absent, Delana R. Eckels was appointed President pro tenpore.

It was ordered that "the Sheriff be find $1 for neglect of duty and not attending at this court as he should in duty bound".

James A. Steele, was appointed School Commissioner; bond $10,000, signed by Zachariah Glover, Samuel Steele, John Hudson, Andrew Modrell, William Glover and Isaac Westfall as sureties.

John Sedwick was allowed $4 for services as surveyor in locating a road from James Harrah's to Clay County.

Lewis Johnson, Jonathan Wright, Hezekiah Gooden, Isaac Littlejohn and Littleberry Vest were allowed for services as chain carriers, etc, in locating the same road

Thomas B. Dale was Deputy Sheriff at this time

Upon the motion of Delana R. Eckels, Esq ordered that it be certified to all whom it may concern, that Basil Champer is a young man who is known to the court to be a man of honesty, probity and good demeanor, preparatory to taking a license as an attorney and counselor at law in the State of Indiana.

Samuel Scott was the Sheriff; Thomas C. Johnson , Clerk

The State road from Bloomington, Monroe County to Spencer, as located by Aquilla Rogers, was ordered opened and made ready for travel.