Surrounding I have found in my own researching, that quite frequently our ancestors did not only live
in Owen county, but moved back and forth between Morgan, Owen and Putnam counties. For that reason, I have
chosen to include those 3 areas on this website. The main concentration beingon Owen county, with Morgan
county a close second. The Putnam county area will increase as records become available.For anyone who is
not familiar with the geographics of these areas, there is a large area of land where these 3 counties
share common borders. Many of the cemeteries also layon the border line or with the old shifting county
lines, some areas existed in two different counties. I have also chosen to include some info on the Greene
county area if I can obtain it, mostly this is in the cemetery listings.
I have attempted
in most instances to keep items related to Morgan county within its own section. However, I have all 3
county listings in the sections on: cemeteries, census, obituaries, land records and of course our photo
section will cover all areas. I encourage everyone to look in all areas for data. I would hate for someone
to miss something because it was in another section. I have recently created a separate surname registry
for the Morgan county area.Most of the links on the main page and in the multi sectioned box will pertain
to Owen county Only, except for the areas listed above.