Typhoid or Typhoid Fever

This page last updated March 11, 2010

Typhoid is caused by Salmonella typhi bacteria from food or water. Salmonella Typhi lives only in humans. Persons with typhoid fever carry the bacteria in their bloodstream and intestinal tract. In addition, a small number of persons, called carriers , recover from typhoid fever but continue to carry the bacteria. Both ill persons and carriers shed S. Typhi in their feces. You can get typhoid fever if you eat food or drink beverages that have been handled by a person who is shedding S. Typhi or if sewage contaminated with S. Typhi bacteria gets into the water you use for drinking or washing food. Therefore, typhoid fever is more common in areas of the world where handwashing is less frequent and water is likely to be contaminated with sewage.

Many of our ancestors died during the Civil War due to this diease. Given the circumstances that they fought under, it is understandable how this disease may have easily been transmitted. Typhoid however was not limited simply to persons in war zones; before sanitation regulations came everyone was at risk from any of the water supplies.

The listings below show: Name/Date/Area/Submitter

Name Date of Death Town/Twp County Submitted by
Columbia CARTER 3-20-1865 Taylor twp OWEN Debbie Jennings
Freeborn DUNKIN 12-25-1861 Baltimore, MD Debbie Jennings
Lillie L. WARTHEN 9-25-1899 Ray twp MORGAN Debbie Jennings
Wickliff MASON 11-21-1889 Greencastle twp PUTNAM Debbie Jennings
Asa BALLARD 1-27-1883 Mooresville MORGAN Debbie Jennings
James GASTON Oct 1850 Montgomery twp OWEN Debbie Jennings
Nancy WHEELER March 1850 Harrison twp OWEN Debbie Jennings
Annie HADLEY August 1850 Madison twp MORGAN Debbie Jennings
Catherine FIELDS Oct 1850 Madison twp MORGAN Debbie Jennings
Frederick NEWLEY Jan 1850 Madison twp MORGAN Debbie Jennings
William PARK August 1850 Madison twp MORGAN Debbie Jennings
William SHOVER March 1850 Madison twp MORGAN Debbie Jennings
Cynthia (THOMPSON) DITTEMORE 11-26-1904 Waverly MORGAN Debbie Jennings
Mrs. Hyram MURPHY Sept 28 1892 Gosport OWEN Debbie Jennings
Alfred WILLIAMS 9-4-1896 unknown OWEN Debbie Jennings
Nathan WOOD 7-1-1886 unknown OWEN Debbie Jennings
James SHELBURN 8-31-1888 unknown OWEN Debbie Jennings
Elsa CASIDA 10-13-1908 Morgan OWEN Debbie Jennings
Ralph CASIDA 9-3-1908 Morgan OWEN Debbie Jennings
Mrs. James SCOTT December 1880 Spencer OWEN Debbie Jennings
Harold WOOD 10-28-1932 Spencer OWEN Debbie Jennings
Barbara Ella (Christian) ELLIS 9-28-1878 Spencer OWEN Elaine Foulger
William NORRIS Fall of 1865 unknown OWEN unknown


Debbie Jennings