Vandalia Business Directory-- 1868 A village of 300 inhabitants, situated in Owen county, six miles from Spencer, the county seat. Attorney Kerr Armstrong Blacksmiths Peter Larenz Boots and Shoes John James John McColley John Wisley Cabinetmakers Oliver Scott Levi Swartwood A. Gudgeon Thomas Davis & Co Carpenters David Barleau William Hickson Levi Swartwood Claim Agent William Shields Dry Goods William Davis William Foreman William Phillips Furniture James H Davis Grain Dealer Harper Davis Groceries Jacob Oberholser Hardware Peter Larenz Harness and Saddles Levi Swartwood Jewelry Mr. Depew Justice of the Peace William Phillips Lumber Dealers John Keely William Whitaker Meat Market P Larenz Millers Keely & Whitaker Milliner and Dressmaker Miss Sarah Daly Painters William Davis, Jr Thomas Davis Physicians W S Shields C H Wilinman Postmaster Oliver Scott Shoemaker Oliver Scott L Swartwood A Gudgeon Tailor J Oberholser Wagonmaker I & G Criss