Warthen Cemetery
Section 31, Township 12 North, Range 1 West
From State Road 39 at Martinsville go south 5.8 miles on State Road 67 to Graveyard Road. Turn right and go 2.7 miles to Letterman Road. Turn right and go to Olive Church Road. Turn right a short distance and right again, and go 1.7 miles to Warthen Road. Turn right and go 0.1 mile. Cemetery is 100 yards back on left side of road. Old cemetery located beside driveway of new home (2000). One new burial, 1975; the others date in the 1850s (2000).
Infant Jun 1849 Son of J.A. & E.J. RA WA
Oliver G. 12 Oct 1855 Age 5Y 2M 7D. RA WA