Asher Cemetery
Location: Asher Cemetery sits about 5 miles north of Gosport IN in Harrison township. There are only about 11 graves total.However the cemetery has been vandalized and many of the graves are old and unreadable. Apparently this is one of two Asher Cemeteries in the Owen county area. This one sits on the land once owned by Allen Asher. The other one is about 1/4 mile off the road and I will get it eventually.
This is a complete listing (of the MARKED graves)
Andrew; b. 9/28/1759 d. 12/6/1840;81y 2m 8d;Inscription: Campbells Regiment VA Rev War
Elizabeth (Fain); b. 7/29/1764 d. 10/4/1850; 86y2m6d; Inscription: Elizabeth, wife of Andrew
Harlen; s/o H. E. & Orleany; d.Oct 17, 1843; 10 days
Arlita T.;d/o Noah and Elizabeth Smith;d. 10-2-1858;aged 3 yr 1 mo
Thomas; d. 7-1843;aged 54 yrs
Lydia; 1829-1838
Dr. William; d. 9-19-1846;aged 30 yrs 4m 25 dys;(This grave has an 8 foot slab of concrete as a marker and every inch is covered with writing).
John A. Robertson;b.1-17-1838;d. 11-20-1846;aged 8y 10m 3d;(parents were Thomas & Delilah (Asher) Robertson and Delilah's father was John Asher)
Sarah E; b.7-1835;d. 4-11-1853
Sarah; 1873-1883
Erma; 1838-1846