Death Certificates
I believe that the date for the beginning of Death Certificates was 1899. Please remember that death certificates are different then
birth certificates. The information found on them is only as good as the person giving it. This person may be a neighbor or friend who is very sketchy on
the info but gives it anyway.
Full Name of the Deceased
Place of Death (this will include county,city,hospital if known)
Length of Hospital Stay if applicable
Race,Sex and Marital Status
Age in Years/Month/Days
Place of Birth
Spouses name (and age if living)
Deceased's Occupation
Deceased's Father and his Birthplace
Deceased's Mother and her Birthplace
Name of the Person Providing Info for Death Certificate
Burial Place and Type(Burial/Cremation)
Undertaker's Name and Location
Cause of Death and any Doctor's Notations
Where the Deceased Resided