
Page last updated January 14, 2009

Long Distance Trips

Owen County News Journal; September 21, 1921

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

**Ottie Babbs returned last week from Phoenix, Arizona where he spent the heated period to escape the hay fever. He gained somewhat in weight while gone.

**Mrs. J.H. Smith and daughter, Miss Lovina left Friday for Auburndale, Massachusetts where the latter will enter the Lasell Seminary. They were to visit New York before going to the school.

**Mrs. Arthur Wells left Saturday for Indianapolis to visit her parents, J.B. Yearns and wife before joining Mr. Wells in Washington, D.C. where he will be located.

**Mrs. Elmer Snyder went to Paragon Friday to visit relatives.

Visiting News

Owen County News Journal; August 31, 1921

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

**Mrs. Geo Massey returned today to her home in Lafayette after a visit here with her father.

**Miss Elizabeth Melick who is employed in Indianapolis spent her vacation here with her mother, Mrs. L.M. Melick.

**Mrs. J.W. Turner returned Friday from a visit in Freedom.

**Mrs. Chas. Boles and children returned Saturday to Indianapolis after a visit with Wesley Boles and wife.

Visiting News

Owen County Democrat; June 21, 1917

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

**Miss Phoebe Davis is the guest of relatives in Bloomington this week.

**Mr and Mrs Jas. Gentry and Nevil McKeel spent Sunday with the John King family.

**Mrs. Mary Stines is visiting this week with her daughter, Mrs. Clara McPhetridge.

More Visiting News

Owen County Democrat; September 21, 1917

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

**The following families took dinner and spent the day Sunday at old Liberty Church; Fred Haskett and family, Mrs. Glennie Wilson and children, Albert Berry and family, Mr and Mrs B.F. Davis, Wm. Davis and children, Mrs. Kate Davis and children, Mr and Mrs. D.E. Grubb, Jacob Grubb and family and Mr. and Mrs. Enos Carter.

**Lois and Mae Davis visited Monday with the aunt, Mrs. Maude Carter.

**Mrs. Kate Davis and children visited Wednesday with Mrs. George Bowman.

**Wm Davis and his little daughter, Mary Lois, spent the day Wednesday with the Albert Berry family in the Texas neighborhood.

Gosport News

Gosport Reporter; April 16, 1936

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

**Mrs. Lois Williams of Logansport was the guest of Mr and Mrs Claude Truax last week.

Spencer Community News

Owen County News Journal; July 10, 1918

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

**H.E. Campbell and Carl Anderson motored to Indianapolis Friday to witness Griffith's masterpiece, "Hearts of the World". (silent film)

Spencer Community News

Owen County Leader; September 14, 1921

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

**Miss Anna Milligan left Thursday for Cleveland, Ohio where she will have charge of a school cafeteria this year. Her sister, Miss Ruth is engaged in Y.W.C.A. work there.

**John Wayland returned from Culver, Indiana where he spent the summer at the cottage of his daughter, Mrs. Harriet Wagner.

**Clarence Ward and wife of Indianapolis came Sunday to visit home folks, Mr. Ward reports his sister, Miss Geneva Ward as improving. She suffered an attack of pneumonia after undergoing a surgical operation.

**On account of the death of Mr. Street the picnic of Thursday September 15 is postponed indefinitely.-- Guy Cantwell.

**Mrs. John Garrett and son of Indianapolis were guests last week of her mother, Mrs. J.L. Pierson.

**T.T. Melick and H.I. Clemmer were in Indianapolis on business Thursday.

**Joseph Maners visited the state fair Thursday.

**Mrs. C.M. Lombard was in Indianapolis Thursday.

**O.E. Dunn and daughter Dorothy were in Indianapolis Thursday.

**Miss Faye Cochrane made a business trip to Martinsville Thursday.

**P.C. Pierson of Indianapolis was here Thursday on business.

**C.F. Perkins of Cleveland, Ohio was here last week with relatives.

**Miss Francis Heaps was in Bloomington, Thursday.

Community News

Owen County Democrat; December 10, 1915

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

**The W.C.T.U. will meet with Mrs Wm P Sandy Friday at 2 PM with Mrs J A Layman as leader.

**Mesdames H.B. Laymon and Chester Ward went to Indianapolis Tuesday to do some Christmas shopping.

**Mr and Mrs Manwarren returned to their home in Syracuse, NY last Tuesday after visiting relatives here last week.

**Miss June Trent returned to her work at the I.O.O.F. Home at Greensburg Wednesday after visiting L.D. Trent and wife.

**Samuel Sanders, of Gosport was in Spencer Saturday on business.

**H.B. Williams and wife went to Indianapolis Saturday.

**R.R. Boyer went to Indianapolis Thursday. J.R. Greene also went on the same train and you can bet that the two of them did a plenty to the old Democratic rooster on that day.

**Our good friend Bill Hancock brought us the original old Democrat rooster Monday and the good wife cooked him up Tuesday for dinner. The old Democrat rooster is a bully good bird in a pot.


Owen County Journal; April 5, 1906

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

Mrs. C.F. Allison entertained Friday evening with a dinner of nine covers for their son, Wilbur Allison and his guest, Mr. Louis Zellner. For the centre of the table there was a French basket of white carnations and the name cards were decorated with Gibson heads drawn by Mr. Zellner and tied with gold and black Purdue colors. The guests flowers were carnations. The guests were Misses Mourna Hickam, Hazel Pickens, Browney Wallace, Bernice Williams, Ollie Egnor and Messers. Louis Zellner, Alvert Free, Will Cassady and Wilbur Allison.

News from Lilliput Land (Quincy)

Owen County Journal; May 21, 1908

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

**Laurence Asher attended church at Quincy Sunday.

**Mrs. Mary Hadden and children spent Friday with Mrs. Brett Johnson

**J.H. Johnson and wife attended church at Quincy Sunday

**Dan McCullough, of Clyde was here Friday.

**Chas. Graham, Jess Jones, Harry Hadden and Verlia Vice have been working for J.L. Ratcliff this past week.

**Flora Lockhart visited Belvia Snodgrass Sunday.

**Pearl Beaman spent Sunday with friends in Quincy.

**Vesta Smith is staying with Mrs. Samuel Colliver this week.

**Dock Murphy and wife visited at June Freeman's Sunday.

**R. Rice of Mill Grove was at J.L. Ratcliff's Monday.

**Marion Curtis of Eminence visited Ezra McCulley Sunday.

**M.L. Rogers of Gosport spent Sunday with Ab Tabor.

**Vesta Smith was shopping in Quincy Friday.

**Mildred Murphy spent Saturday with Flora Moore.

**J.M. Jones and wife spent Saturday night with Laurence Asher and wife.

**Woods Asher was buying cattle in these parts last week.

**Nina Nichols and Hazel McDowell spent Tuesday with Mildred and Macil Murphy.

Pierson and Stickles

Owen County Journal; September 12, 1918

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

**Mrs. T.G. Pierson and children went to Martinsville Friday to visit Mrs. J. W. Williams and family.

**Prof. Arnet Sickles of Bowling Green, Ky was in Spencer Saturday on his way to Patricksburg from attending a War Conference of educators in New York. Prof. Stickles will teach again this year in the Kentucky State Normal school.

News from Gosport

All the following entries are from the "Gosport Reporter" of June 21, 1917

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

**Mr. and Mrs. Will WAMPLER of Milwaukee, Wisconsin came Friday to be the guests of his brother, Mrs. Eliza Grimsley and other relatives.

**Mr and Mrs. Wm. STINES visited their daughter, Mrs. Martha JUSTICE in Indianapolis Saturday and Sunday.

**John ROGERS, Jr. attending State Normal at Terre Haute spent Sunday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.B. ROGERS.

**Mrs. Elmer SINK returned to her home in Indianapolis Friday after an extended visit here with her mother, Mrs. STIERWALT.

**Miss Evelyn SOTH, attending State Normal at Terre Haute was here over Sunday the guest of her parents, Mr and Mrs James SOTH.

**Mrs. John SOTH gave a party Saturday evening for her little grandchildren, Mary and Bertrum FOX and their guest, little Miss Olive FISHER of Indianapolis. An enjoyable evening was spent with refreshments of ice cream and cake were served.

**Miss Mary YOUNG has returned to Indianapolis after several weeks visit here with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Wm. YOUNG.

**The Louis SCHACHTEL family and Mr and Mrs. Wm. DITTEMORE of Greencastle visited with the Jas and Dore DITTEMORE families here Sunday.

**Miss Evaline BRIGHTON atending summer term at Indiana University spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr and Mrs D. BRIGHTON, east of town.

Community News

All the following entries are from the "Owen County Leader" of August 31, 1921

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

**Mrs. Charles STRAWSER who has been living in Wisconsin, came last week for a visit with her home folks, Nelson BIGGER and wife

**Mrs. Stephen MOORE and daughter, Helen of Ft. Wayne were here last week to visit the former's son, Marion MOORE who is working here.

**Ralph ROBINSON and family left Monday for Los Angeles where Mr. Robinson will open a branch house for his company.

**Miss Elizabeth HOLLINGSWORTH returned to Indianapolis Friday after a visit with her parents, J.B. WORKMAN and family.

**Mrs. A. E. MOORE returned Friday to Chicago after a week here with her parents, J. W. MYERS and wife.

**Prof. Arndt STICKLES of Bowling Green, Kentucky came Saturday for a weeks visit with relatives at Patricksburg.

**R. S. MATHEWS and family and Miss Gusta COOPER left Friday for a visit with relatives at Beaver Dam, Kentucky.

**Mrs. Clara TAPP of Linton came Friday to visit her mother, Mrs. G. C. MASSEY.


Owen County Leader; September 21, 1921

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

Mrs. W.P. SANDY left last week for Phoenix, Arizona to spend the winter

People of Freedom

All the following entries are from the "Owen County Leader" of August 10, 1921

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

**Burr ABRELL and family of Sauborn spent the weekend here.

**Illa NELSON has returned home to Mooresville after a two weeks visit with relatives.

**Fred McBRIDE and family of Lyons came Saturday to visit relatives.

**Ballard WEST, wife and son of Logansport are visting Zack MESSICK and wife

**William CARTER is visiting his son at Martinsville.

**A large and appreciative audience attended the public installation of officers at the I.O.O.F. hall Saturday night. Ice cream cake and lemonade were served.

**Tarquin KNOX and Paul BEAUCHAMP made a business trip to Indianapolis Tuesday.

**Harriet PRICE is visiting her granddaughter, Mrs. Mark NEEDY and family.

**Ross ABRELL and wife spent the weekend at Gosport with her mother, Mrs. Charles SIMS.

**Rev. ALLBRITTON and family of Morgantown moved into the Baptist parsonage Wednesday.

Owen County People

All the following entries are from the "Owen County News Journal" of April 25, 1907

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

**Mrs. Emma DUNN, Misses Minnie and Margaret JAMES were visitors to Indianapolis Friday.

**Mrs. Dr. ROBINSON and son, who had been the guests of relatives in Daviess county for sometime, returned to Spencer Friday.

**E.W. BUDD and C.C. CONDER of Patricksburg transacted business in Spencer last week.

**John BENNETT of Rockport, spent Sunday in this city. Spencer holds a Gran' attration for John.

**Mrs. Will JOHNSON and Mrs. L.D. MARLEY of Freedom were the guests of Spencer relatives Saturday.

**Mrs. Bert PARRISH went to Illinois Sunday where she will visit relatives.

**Clarence McGEE who recently moved to Indianapolis where he is employed is a new subscriber to the Journal.

**Mrs. MURPHY who was called here last week from Gosport to attend the funeral of her sister returned home Sunday.

**Mrs. Orville CLUFF returned to her home in Union City Monday after visiting her husband who is connected with the Bottling Factory Company.

**Mrs. M.B. DENNING of Franklin who attended the Presbyterian Missionary Meeting last week in this city remained until Monday the guest of Mrs. BANTA.

**Captain and Mrs. Jas. CRAWFORD spent Sunday with Greene county friends.

**W.C. NEWPORT and D. ROYER of Patricksburg were in town Thursday.

**Walter LIGHT of Freedom handed us a dollar last week for the Journal.

**Walter PROCTOR and family went to Martinsville Sunday to visit relatives.

**A.F. DEAN of Poland paid up and renewed one day last weeks. Thanks

**Ross RAPER and family of Worthington were in town over Sunday with relatives.

**Misses Mary ALLISON and Jess MAGILL spent Sunday in Bloomington with friends.

**Mrs. Geo. FULK has returned to Indianapolis after a week's visit with her parents.

**John S. SNODGRASS a good Wayne township republican has renewed for the Journal.

**Mrs. F.A. YARNOL of Patriot, Indiana is visiting her niece Mrs. Noah RIDENOUR in this city.

Owen County People

All the following entries are from the "Owen County News Journal" of April 25, 1907

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

**Dr. & Mrs. Allen PIERSON spent Friday in Indianapolis

**Bert LAURIMORE made a business trip to Indianapolis Thursday.

**R.R. MANNAN of Quincy was transacting business in this city Thursday

**Mrs. E.T. JOSLIN and daughter, Jeannette went to Indianapolis Friday.

**Mrs. HARRIS and son, of Bloomfield visited relatives in Spencer Friday.

**Fred FISCUS of Jefferson twp was transacting business in this city Friday

**Miss Morna HICKAM went to Indianapolis Friday to visit friends a few days

**Mrs. Bayless CLOUD and son, of Vincennes came Thursday to visit Mrs. John ARCHER.

Old Settlers Meeting

Owen County News; April 25, 1874

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

Mr. J.W. Archer has suggested to us the propriety of calling a meeting of the old settlers of Owen County for the 4th of July. The suggestion is a good one and we hope the meeting may be held as it would doubtless be a pleasant affair, not only for the old settlers but for everybody. Nothing would afford us more pleasure then to hear some of our old citizens giving their experiences in the settling up of the country and the incidents connected therewith. Our columns are open and we would be glad to have an expression on the subject.

Potter Family Attends Picnic

Gosport Reporter; September 12 1930

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

Mr and Mrs Wesley Potter and daughters, Esther and Virginia attended the Georgetown picnic Saturday.

The Hootens Move

Gosport Reporter; September 12 1930

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

Mr and Mrs Frank Hooten have moved into the Harry Howard property east of the drug store.

Granville Costin Visits Daughter

Gosport Reporter; September 12 1930

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

Granville Costin went to Indianapolis Sunday to be the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Ina Ray. Mrs. Ray and children were in an automobile wreck about a week ago and were seriously injured.

Miss Ruth Melick Comes Home

Owen County News Journal; August 10, 1921

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

Miss Ruth Melick has returned from Indianapolis where she visited her sister, Miss Elizabeth.

Mrs. Olice Love Goes Home

Owen County News Journal; August 10, 1921

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

Mrs. Olice Love and children who spent the past week with Mr and Mrs. Charles Allen, returned Sunday to their home on Brazil.

Miss Harriet Wheeler Goes to Chicago

Owen County News Journal; August 10, 1921

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

Miss Harriet Wheeler of Spencer has gone to Chicago to take a position as a nurse in the Wesleyan Hospital. She has been employed in Indianapolis since her graduation two years ago and in her new position as a head nurse she will have chances of rapid advancement.

Samuel Richards in Franklin

Owen County Leader; July 4, 1946

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

Samuel Richards is now in Franklin where he is using his brush and easel. He is a young artist of rare merit, and is bound sometime to be classed among the first-class portrait painters of this country.

Mr & Mrs Herman M'Guire Return from California

Owen County Leader; July 4, 1946

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

Mr and Mrs. Herman McGuire and son, Richard of Newcastle but natives and former residents of Spencer have returned to their home in Newcastle after a 60 day vacation in Sacramento and other places of interest in California. On their return they stopped a couple of days at Denver, Colorado at the home of her brother, George McNeely. They visited their son, Amos McGuire in California. They report a most wonderful trip.

Owen County People

09 December 1880 "Owen County Journal" News

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

Monday morning as WM. I. OVERSTREET wended his way depotward, gripstick in hand, he was hailed quite "numerously" by inquiring friends who "had learned" that he was soon to enter into a state of double-blessedness. WILLIAM made no flat denial, but boarded the train, bound for Greencastle, bidding good day to his bachelor friends. He was married to MISS ALLEN last night.

W.L. DAGGY returned from Arkansas last Saturday.

Tuesday morning, MISSES HETTIE OVERSTREET and ANNIE OVERSTREET left this place for Greencastle to attend the wedding of WM. I. OVERSTREET yesterday evening.

H.V. KERR, an old newspaper man, and at present connected with the Ohio State library, was in city over Sunday, visiting the family of JOHN WAYLAND.

Owen County People

Friday 10 August 1883 "The Democrat" News

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff


DANIEL RANDOLPH is at home on a visit from Shelbyville.

WILLIAM MILLS has purchased a fine team of mules from MR. NEED.

JOHN COATS has purchased the RHINEHART livery stock.

Grandfather HOLSCLAW has been confined to his room for several days by ? ------?

BILLIE MERRELL has returned from Clay City, where he has been at the tinker's trade for a couple of weeks.

WILLIAM CHAMPER and KELLEY BUELL have removed to Illinois.

JAMES WALLACE is making the stave business lively here now.

Uncle ABE COFFEY was in our midst last Friday, he wants about fifty young calves.

Dr. J.A. WILLIAMS has a sucking coat valued at $60. He has two sorrel ponies he would sell for less money.

TOM POM PENROD has charge of the Kelley Drug store.

R.C. MAGILL was visiting friends here last Saturday. He engaged in his old occupation, driving milch cows to and from the pasture. R

Rumor has it that "SQUIRE DRAKE and Mrs. CASSIE HAM" were married last Wednesday evening at the residence of the bride's parents.


Miss FLORA BELLES visited in Texas last Sunday.

FRANK DUNN was over at Stinesville last Sunday.

Mrs. MALINDA LAWSON, of Gosport, visited in Texas last Sunday.

S.H. DUNN will have 200 cords of stove wood cut soon.

JAMES ANDERSON'S little child is very sick.

S. CRISS and wife visited the family of WESLEY WARD at Vandalia last Sunday.

SAM SMITH went to Greencastle last week on pension business.

E.W. FISHER has purchased a new organ, and W.H. FARRIS has invested in a new sewing machine.

JOHN LAYMAN and son are hauling logs to A. GAULDING"S mill.


Elders JESSE BEAMAN and ---- WRIGHT preached at New Union last Sunday.

Uncle ISAAC CASSIDA is confined to his room with rheumatism.

Morgan township has some old settlers, among whom we mention, WM. CARTER, JOHN CARTER, HANNAH LUCAS and ELLEN FRYAR. The CARTERS and Mrs. LUCAS have lived in this township for over fifty years.

MAGGIE MEEK, of Indianapolis is visiting her mother, MARY A. BEAMAN.

JAMES BEAMAN, of Jennings township, attended church at New Union last Sunday. He is one of the counties oldest settlers.

W.C. RANDALL and wife were visiting your correspondent last Sunday.

CATHARINE ELLIS, of Little Rock, Arkansas, is visiting JOHN W. COOKSEY'S.

Mr. LACKEY annouces to his young gentleman friends that he is fully supplied with blackberries.


20 November 1920 "Owen County Journal" News

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

JURY TRENT and wife, who have been visiting his parents, returned Saturday to their home in Urbana ILL.


Owen County Journal" 23 April 1919

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

Mrs. Carl Anderson spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Mary Fox, at Riley and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Phoebe King, at Brazil.


24 Nov 1904 "Tri County Reporter"

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

E.F. HARROLD and PERCY HARROLD were in town last Friday on their way home to Patricksburg. They had been attending Grand Lodge, I.O.O.F., at Indianapolis.


19 September 1890 "The Gosport Enterprise"

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

Mrs. BYRD and LUCY are visiting in Cloverdale.

Mr. ANDERSON, wife and children are visiting at Brazil.

Mr. DAVIS of Brown county, is visiting his son ROBERT of this city.

Some scoundrel dynamited the dam belonging to Mr. HODGE of Mill Grove last Friday night.


19 September 1890 "The Gosport Enterprise"

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

E.P. TRUAX is moving into his new dwelling half mile west of here.

Miss EMMA WHEELER and LIZZIE WRIGHT were the guests of your scribe Sunday.

Miss ETTIE and ROSETA REID started for Chicago Monday, where they will spend the winter with their brother and attend school.


19 September 1890 "The Gosport Enterprise"

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

Born -- to Mrs. MINTIE LANGWELL Sept. 11, a big girl.

WM. JAMEISON contemplates moving to Gosport soon.

Mr. PERRY REYNOLDS went to Romona last Monday, on business.

Mr. LEWIS WILLIAMS visited Bloomington last Saturday on business.

Mrs. MARY A. KING, of Greencastle, is visiting in this vicinity this week.


19 September 1890 "The Gosport Enterprise"

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

Mrs. J.M. ALEXANDER of Greencastle was in town Tuesday.

WALTER STIERWALT has been employed as janitor at the school house this term.

Mrs. EMILINE DAVIS and daughter ROSE have gone to Greencastle, where they are employed to work in the Grand Central Hotel of that city.

Dr. S.E. SMITH came down from Logansport to visit his parents over Sunday.

JOHN ELLIOTT, of Plummer, Greene county, was the guest of Mr. M. V. ARNETT and other relatives in the vicinity of Concord last week.

JAMES CAMPBELL of this place has a silver mounted cane, formerly the property of Gen. W. H. Harrison, grandfather of President Benjamin Harrison.

Mrs. J. P. NEEDHAM and children and Miss GERTIE SERVER of Clay City, who have been the guests of JOHN C. NEEDHAM and family for two weeks, returned home last Saturday.

Miss CORA MILLER of Junction City, Kansas, with two of her friends, Misses KATE ALLISON, of Oakland City, and SADIE ALLISON of Worthington, were visiting her aunt, Mrs. CARSON last week.

Grandma ROBINSON visited her daughter at Spencer last Saturday.

F.M. BUSBY of Romona is a new subscriber to the best local paper in the county.

Mrs. J.W. ALEXANDER is a new subscriber to the best local paper in the county.

WM. HOADLEY, of Stinesville, is a new subscriber to the best local paper in the county.

OTTO HOWARD of Bedford was the guest of JOHN HOWARD and family this week.

ORESTES LUKENBILL is attending medical lectures at the Medical University of Louisville, Ky.

Dr. J.W. SMITH and wife, Rev. A.J. EWING and wife and Rev. J. R. MOODY, wife and son, were attending conference at Nashville last week.

BOB BURDETTE says that God wanted mud when he made a man so mean as to tell the postmaster to return his paper marked "Refused" when he is owing several years subscriptions.


Bert Dittemore, Young Merchant, Plunges To Death

Vandals Blamed In Firing Old, Disputed Bridge Over White River; Volunteer Firemen Fall With Span

Pg. 1 & 7. Daily Herald - Telephone. Friday. Oct. 28, 1955. Vol. 79, No.143. Price Five Cents. Bloomington, Monroe County, Indiana


Submitted by Albert Scarborough

A flaming span of the ancient covered Gosport Bridge collapsed 30 feet into White River early today, killing one volunteer Gosport fireman and injuring nine others who were battling the fire which was believed to have been started by vandals. The same firemen had extinguished a similar fire at the bridge a night earlier in a two hour fire-flghting chore. The body of Bert Dittemore, Jr., 32, Gosport merchant and assistant fire chief, was recovered from the stream an hour after the bridge fell. The other firemen had to pry him loose from a cable that was across his chest and was being held down by the weight of the bridge span. Joseph King, 22, who held DIttemore's head out of the water while the others worked with the cable, said "he never was conscious. He didn't know what hit him." Others listed as Injured: Robert Tharp, Larry Snodgrass, J. V. Wampler, Darrell Porter, Richard Felton, Frank Burkhart, Jr., Charles Morgan and Vernon Wampler. Porter, Tharpe and Fulton were treated and released at the Bloomington Hospital. The volunteer firemen had been called out at 12:45 when someone discovered the bridge was on fire. King said they took the Gosport fire truck to the edge of the bridge, and stretched a hose to the end, and started spraying water on the flame, which were primarily on the roof and the sides. "The floor was burning a little," he said, "but It seemed solid enough." King said he and Felton were holding the end of the hose when he heard a "loud crack, and I knew we were going down." "What saved most of us," he , said, "was that cables attached to the sides of the bridge pulled the sides away and the V-shaped roof came down over us like covering." King said when the bridge stopped falling the men found themselves knee-deep in water. "We looked around to see who was hurt," he said, "and I saw Bert with his face in the water." King said the men had difficulty removing the cable from Dittemore's body because the bridge was across the cable, and that handsaws and other tools were used in the effort. "We finally got him loose and pulled him back to the bridge," he said. Nightmare Experience King, who called the whole thing "like a nightmare", said he didn't know how long it took to remove Dittemore's body and to get the other injured back to shore, but that it was approximately 4:40 a.m. when he finally left the scene. Police and firemen converged on the area from all surrounding communities, including Bloomington. The Bloomington Fire Department rescue truck was sent after a call was received here for a fire truck. Fire Chief Horace Robertson said he had refused to send a fire truck because the bridge had been condemned and was not worth saving. Sheriff Clifford Kinser and several of his deputies went to the scene, and were joined by State Troopers and other volunteer rescue workers. The bridge span that fell was the last of two spans built by Monroe County in the joint 3 span bridge project. The first span fell in 1954, but no one was Injured in that crash. The remaining, span, owned by Owen County, is made of steel, but has a wooden floor. The bridge has been the center ot controversy between the two counties for years, with Owen County Commissioners demanding Monroe County help them recondition the bridge, and with Monroe County refusing on grounds the bridge was beyond repair. Recommend Razing State Engineers recently recommended the fallen span be razed and removed from the area because it was hazardous. Feeling In Gosport today was mixed. Some residents felt the tragedy was the work of Halloweeners. Others declared It was "pure vandalism." Still others Indicated they though the fire was started by "someone in Bloomington." "We knew this would happen sooner or later," said Joe King. "That bridge was bound to hurt someone. " However, he added, "We thought It was our duty to try and put the fire out."

Douglas said the work "definitely was the work of vandals." He said the bridge had been set afire the night before, but the blaze was discovered in time to be extinguished. Fire Chief Horace Robertson said he understood two gasoline cans had been found near the bridge Tuesday night. "This ought to give someone something to think about," said one Gosport resident darkly today. Actual cause of Dittemore's death had not been declared today, but Owen County authorities said they believe it will be either "suffocation" or "drowning."

Gosport Native

Mr. Dittemore was a native of Gosport, the son of Bert and Hattie Dittemore Sr. He was operator of a dry goods store in Gosport, a veteran of World War II, president of the Gosport Lions Club, and a member of the Gosport Methodist Church. Survivors include his wife, Lois Dunning Dittemore; a daughter, Victoria; his mother, Hattie Burton Dittemore and a sister, Bernice Dittemore. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Sunday in the Whitaker Funeral Home in Gosport. Rev. Arnold Adklns, and Rev. E. M. Minton will officiate. Burial will be in the Gosport Cemetery. The body remains at the Whitaker Funeral Home where friends may call after 7 p.m. today.

The Gosport Volunteer Fire Department had just been reorganized in the community's bid to lower fire Insurance rates and the membership had been bolstered to 26. Dittemore was named assistant chief. The department was described as "fired up" under the new leadership and the belief was expressed freely in the community today that the department perhaps would not have sought to save the condemned bridge had it not for been for the fresh emphasis on fire-fighting. Meanwhile, Gosport merchants were seeking to raise $1,000 to offer as a reward for Infomation leading to the arrest and conviction of the suspected arsonists. Occupations of those injured flre-fighters were varied. Porter, Burkhart and Livlngston are filling station employees, Tharpe is the Monon agent at Gosport, Felton works for the Chrysler Corporation in Indianapolis, Snodgrass Is a trucker, Wampler a member of the Town Board and operator of a nursing home and King is assistant manager of the Indianapolis Tent & Awning factory at Gosport.


County Club Formed and Gosport and Spencer Organized

Indianapolis Star: 20 April 1913

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

The Progressive party began it's municipal campaign in Owen County Friday and yesterday with the organization of an Owen County Progressive club at Spencer and election of precinct and town chairman at Spencer and Gosport. C.A. Wampler, editor of the Reporter of Gosport, was selected town chairman there. A complete Progressive ticket is to be put in the field there. At Spencer yesterday afternoon precinct committee-men were chosen and Ed F. White was selected city chairman. Officers of the Owen County club are: President, Carl Anderson; vice president, IL W. Bacon; secretary, J.A. Raper; treasurer, William Fender. B.R. Inman, director of publicity and organization from Progressive headquarters in Indianapolis, spoke at the meeting in each town.


Purdue Instructor Engaged for Lecture at Courthouse Next Week

Farmers Meetings Planned.--

Indianapolis Star: 20 Nov 1917.

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

SPENCER Ind. Jan 20 -- The Owen County farmers institute will begin at Freedom Jan. 24. On Jan 25 the meeting will be in Gosport, and beginning the 26th a two days session will be held in Spencer. Charles Davis of Rockville, W.B. Anderson of Velpen, James Gray, William Lingo and James Evans of Gosport; F.L. Pochin and Charles Ritter of Spencer will be the instructors. The first free poultry institute ever in Owen County will be held on Jan 24 in the auditorium of the Court House. The afternoon session will be for farmers and "Poultry on the Farm" will be the subject. The evening session will be for town people and poultry raising on town lots will be discussed. Prof. A.G. Phillips of Purdue will lecture at both meetings.


Indianapolis Star

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

24 Jan 1912

LEBANON -- Miss Emma Batterton is here from Gosport for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Batterton

1 Sept 1913

SPENCER - - Miss Helen Baugh of Indianapolis was injured near here when the brake on an automobile failed to work.

23 January 1910

LEBANON -- Mr. and Mrs. James Cobb are visiting relatives in Owen county

Indianapolis Star: 21 Nov 1909

Mrs. Woody Asher of Gosport, Ind., is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Meley.


Indianapolis Star: 6 Sept 1908.

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

Indiana has a Rip Van Winkle. He was discovered in Rushville by a news reporter. He was standing in the street in front of a hotel looking for the tavern. "Why it was here in '55", he muttered, "But things have changed since I left. Even the water in the river has changed." The man in the Rip Van Winkle role was George Snowden. Of course, he really hasn't been asleep fifty-five years, but he has lived in Gosport, which is practically the same thing. He went to Rushville to see his cousin, Emett Kennedy. When they met they didn't recognize each other, but when they did, the homecoming of "Rip" became affecting.


Bloomington (Monroe County, Indiana) Evening World, Jan 1, 1931, p. 1.

Submitted by Brenda Norris Robertson

(This item originally appeared on the Monroe County mailing list by Randi Richardson)

Owen County will be provided with a hospital according to the will of Miss Carrie Shell who bequeathed almost all of her life's earnings and property for this purpose. Her property lies in Owen and Greene counties. She further stipified (sic) in her will the persons she wished to be members of the board in charge of the hospital. No definite plans have yet been made public. The need for a hospital has long been felt in Owen County and at many times within the past few years sites for the proposed building have been considered by no action has ever been taken.


"Owen County Leader" November 30, 1972

Submitted by Debbie Jennings

Mrs. Edith Dunkin visited her son and daughter in law, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Dunkin at Indianapolis and her daughter, Ruth Bryant at Bridgeport Thanksgiving weekend.


"Owen County Democrat" of March 10, 1892

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

Poutry, Butter, Eggs and all kinds of produce wanted at highest prices at the McNaught Grocery Co.

The Hjuntly Comody Co., of which four of our town boys are movers, will be in Florida next week.

Mr. Vint Anderson, of Quincy, was in Spencer last Thursday, and gave The Democrat a friendly call.

A full line of surries, buggies, farm wagons, road-wagons, carts and etc., will be on sale at Daggy & Joslin's by March 15.

Hansberry McGuire and a Mrs. Alice Strother, were married at Bloomington last week and moved here, their future home.

August Kerwein, who, it will be remember, was employed in Hyatt Bros.' store at this place, and who is now located in St. Joseph. Mich., writes a friend in Spencer that there are many lands he has been in, but no place like Spencer.


"Owen County Democrat" of March 17, 1892


Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

Uncle James Clark is on the sick list.

James Smith has his sugar c_ _ mp in operation and has made several gallons of molasses.


"Owen County Democrat" of March 17, 1892


Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

Wm. Dyer is cutting logs for a firm at Worthington.

C. E. Carpenter will move to Braysville in a few days.

E.W. McIntosh was attending court at Bloomfield last week.

David Row has moved back to our town and occupys his old home.

S.N. and D.W. McIntosh are in our midst buying yearling calves.

F.C. Dunn was at Bloomington last week looking after the estate of David Davis..

A hog belong to James Franklin was afflicted with hydrophobia last week, biting everything in it's way.

Calvin Thacker was in southern Clay township Saturday night, visiting the brother and sister of his wife.

Mell Haton is visiting his parents, G.W. Haton and wife. He will return to Ramona this week, where he will work the coming season.


"Owen County Democrat" of March 17, 1892


Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

Harley and Jimmy Stout have gone to Illinois to work during cropping season.

Joe Meek, of this village, is selling a patent fence right in this and Jackson township, and is meeting with good success.

Horace Miller, formerly of Cataract, now of Kingman county, Kansas, is here to see his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller. Horace brings with him his better half, whom he found in his adopted state.

Last week, Pearl, a little daughter of S.D. Meek, was hacking a v_ _p of hay with a hatchet, when Earl, her little brother, playfully grabbed at the hay just as she made a stroke, which severed the little finger of the right hand at the first joint below the knuckle. The finger "stump" is doing nicely.


"Owen County Democrat" of March 17, 1892


Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

John Hasiter was at Lancaster last Friday.

J.J. Chaney was at Indianapolis last Monday.

Daniel Querry was at Bowling Green last Friday.

Dr. W.H. Rice, of Santa Fee, was in town Monday.

John Freeman was in these parts last Friday buying logs.

Elder Ryan preached at New Union last Saturday night, Sunday, and Sunday night.

Wm. Querry has moved to the farm vacated by L. B. McKinny.

W. H. Williams, Jr., moved to J. G. Beaman's farm last week.

L.B. McKinny has moved to the farm he bought of E. Linn.

Mollie and Ada Carter, of the south part of this township, were visiting friends over Sunday.

J. A. Doyle went to Chicago last Friday where he will engage as traveling agent for a book Publishing Co.


All the following entries are from the "Owen County Democrat" of July 28, 1898

Posted by Debbie Jennings


Wm. Parish and wife visited at Jap Beans Sunday.

Orris and Jessie Gross visited their uncle, Wash Stogsdill, Sunday.

Dr. J.J. Livingston and family attended meeting at Adel Sunday.

Dr. J.J. Livingston lost a valuable cow last week by being choked on an apple.

Carl and Carry Noel visited their sister, Mrs. Alta Livingston Saturday and Sunday.

Wm. R. Stogsdill passed through Freeman last Saturday on his way to Greene county on business.

Wm. and Dave Hawkins have bought a saw mill and will bring it here in a few days.

John Gross is visiting relatives at Tulip, Bloomfield, Worthington, Newberry and Plainville this week. He is thinking of renting a farm and moving to the same this fall.


All the following entries are from the "Owen County Democrat" of July 28, 1898

Posted by Debbie Jennings


Mrs. Lambert, who has been sick, is better.

Little Willie Freeman is very sick with flux.

Merta, little daughter of Joe Randell, is very sick.

Quite a number of Spencer people were at the funeral of Mrs. Goen, at this place, Sunday.

Mrs. Kate Harden, of Spencer, was visiting her son, Sam, at this place, last Saturday and Sunday.

Miss Lue Beem, who has been visiting friends at Farmers the past week, returned home Saturday.


All the following entries are from the "Owen County Democrat" of July 28, 1898

Posted by Debbie Jennings


Uncle Felty Cline spent Sunday at Isaac Chambers.

Mrs. Pleasant Wampler spent Monday of last week at Wm. Hight's.

Miss Lettie Wampler spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Culver.

Mason Ground, of Spencer, spent Saturday night with Criss Grounds.

Aunt Electa Chambers spent last week with Isaac Chambers and family.

James Chambers traded horses with James Chambers, near Ellettsville, last week.

Earl, the eldest son of Maston Chambers, cut his head badly on the cutting box one day last week.

Miss Nina Cahill, of Spencer, returned home last Thursday after spending a few days with Riley Wampler's family.

Sam Chambers, of Linton, was the guest of Robert Chambers and family last Wednesday night, Thursday and Thursday night.

Ab. Baugh, of Spencer, while hauling logs from Felty Cline's farm met with an accident at the McCormick creek by the breaking down of the bridge. As luck would have it no bones were broken but he was badly bruised.

The pike road is progressing nicely.

Miss Olive Kerr spent Sunday at home.

Miss Minnie Stwalley is staying at Geo. Warks.

Epworth League next Sunday night, beginning at 8 p.m.

Howard Beaman and wife spent Sunday with John Stwalley and wife.

The Epworth League rendered a nice program to very appreciative audience last Sunday night.

Several of our young people attended the ice cream supper at Patricksburg last Saturday night.

Mrs. Nees and daughter Rose, of Jordan Village , visited her daughter, Mrs. John Stwalley, Sunday.


All the following entries are from the "Owen County Democrat" of July 28, 1898

Posted by Debbie Jennings


James Smith was at Spencer over Sunday.

Chas. Wood, of Spencer, was on our streets Monday.

Albert Guy and family, of Spencer, visited Harry Criss and family.

Miss Ella Criss, of Indianapolis, is visiting Harry Criss and family.

Mrs. Samuel Dowdell, of Spencer, visited Mr. Arganbright last week.

Will Alexander, of Chicago, is visiting friends and relatives here this week.

Fred Owen and wife, of Ellettsville, attended Mrs. Wooden's funeral Sunday.

Misses Daisy and Lizzie Mayfield, of Spencer, gave Gosport a visit Saturday afternoon.

Wm. Parish, editor of the Tri-County Reporter, spent Saturday and Sunday in Chicago.

Chas. Crippen and wife, of Spencer, attended the funeral of Mrs. Dr. J. Wooden Sunday.

Mrs. Dr. Ritter, of Indianapolis, is spending a few days with Dr. H. G. Osgood and family.

Frank Grimsley after completing his summer term at I.U. is spending his vacation at home.

Mrs. Julia Drescher, of Spencer, spent one day last week with her daughter, Mrs. T.T. Bixler.

Quite a number went to Jeffersonville last Thursday on the excursion, and report a pleasant trip and good time.

Fred Burton, Dr. Pritchard and Major Grimsley attended the District Congressional convention at Indian Springs Tuesday as delegate.

Little Earl Whittaker died very suddenly last Saturday afternoon, only being sick a few days. The funeral services were held at the home of Joe Mullen Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Dr. J. Wooden died at her home on north [sic] Main street [sic] Saturday at 12:30 p.m., after a long illness and great suffering, and was buried Sunday afternoon. she leaves many friends to mourn her death as she was loved by every one.


Mack Kuhns was at Greencastle last Sunday.

Rumor has it that we will hear wedding bells soon.

Rumor has it that we will have another saw mill here soon.

Mack Nees, of Brazil, was on our streets one day last week.

Wm. Kuhns made a business trip to Greencastle last Saturday.

C.B. Huffman and O.B. Kattman visited at Brazil last Sunday.

John Ross, the boss well driller, is drilling a well for W. S. Arnold.

Walter D. Reiter, of Sweet Owen, was on our streets last Saturday.

D.M. Mullinnix, of Manhatton, was on our streets one day last week.

O.C. Campbell, visited near Jordan Village last Saturday and Sunday.

Charley Likens visited his family at Spencer last Saturday and Sunday.

Andy Comer, of Hendricks county, visited relatives here last Saturday.

Miss Nellie Reese, who has been at Terre Haute, returned home Friday.

Miss Mattie Chamberlain, of Cloverdale, visited relatives here last week.

Stwalley & Mullinnix shipped two car loads of hogs to Indianapolis last week.

Ira Licken and family visited relatives at Brazil last Saturday and Sunday.

B.P. Shoppenherst, of Jordan Village, was on our streets one day last week.

The picnic for the children at Anderson's grove last Wednesday was a success.

George Cain, of Sweet Owen, passed through town last Saturday on his way to Clay City.

T.H. King and Bert Miller, who are attending college at Terre Haute, were on our streets last Saturday.

Rosco Chamberlain, who has been visiting relatives near Cloverdale, for some time, returned home last week.


Posted by Marsha Pearson

Mrs. Opal Smith, of R. R. 1, Spencer, received word Tuesday that her brother, Earl Harrah, of Bakersfield, California, from whom she has had no word since 1937, and had given up for dead, was a patient in the Veterans Hospital in San Francisco.Mrs. Smith called the hospital there, and after some checking, they told her that he was not in that hospital or any hospital in San Francisco, but they called the Red Cross to do further checking on the matter.The Red Cross located Mr. Harrah in a Veteran's Hospital in Palo Alto, Calif., and reported that he had suffered a stroke and is in fair condition.Mr. Harrah has not been home to Indiana since 1919 at the close of World War I.Mrs. Smith plans to visit her brother as soon as arrangements can be made for the trip.Spencer Evening World, June 21, 1966


Unknown Paper dated March 17, 1892

Posted by Mike Dean

Dunlap Dean, of Indianapolis, was called to Spencer the first of the week by a telegram announcing the death of his brother, John Dean. "


All the following entries are from the "Coal City News" of January 18, 1929

Posted by Layne Powell

Mr. and Mrs. Luther Klass and Mrs. Rilla Klass attended the funeral of a relative in Worthington Saturday.

Charles Megenhardt and Mrs. Olive George went to Clay City Saturday.

Clyde Dalton went to Worthington Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stickles and son John Robert were the guests of his parents Mr. And Mrs. J. S. Stickles Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Emery Stickles and Mrs. J. S. Stickles were the guests of Misses Catherin and Elizabeth Stickles in Patricksburg.

Miss Jane Bentz spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Stickles.

Oliver Hubbell and daughter Mildred and Miss Della and Herbert Hubbell, of Worthington were the guests of Mrs. Ella Price and family Tuesday.

Misses Alice Stickles and Cera Hubbell took dinner with Miss Elizabeth Cester Friday

Miss Irene Megenhardt called on Mrs. Dennis Royer in Patricksburg Friday Evening

Mrs. Carl Kreble and daughter Alice of Linton, spent Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Gray.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stants called on Uncle David Stantz and family Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grim and son Bobbie and Mrs. Mollie Grim and Mrs. George Dalton attended the funeral of Mrs. Dickey at Clay City Friday.

Mrs. Fanny Wolf and son Ray, of Jasonville, were the guests of Mrs. Mollie Grim Friday afternoon

Wm. Mizor went to Clay City Friday.

Wm. Rentschler of near Patricksburg took dinner with Harold Grim and family Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Calvern Stants of Terre Haute were the guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stants Saturday.

End of Coal City News

WCTU will serve dinner to visiting veterans of the Civil War

Posted by Mike Dean

Gosport Reporter Newspaper Aug. 31, 1928

Miss Ura Sanders, secretary of the reunion organization for the 59th Volunteer Regiment, Indiana Infantry, one of the noted regiments of the Civil War, has sent out announcements this week to all surviving members of the date of the annual reunion this year. According to the announcement, the reunion, the 44th annual, will be held in Gosport on Tuesday, September 25th. Until recently, the reunions were held at different locations. Since that time the reunions have been held in Gosport regularly. A vote of the organization made this the permanent place for the reunion meetings. This was a very logical action as the 59th was organized in Gosport and for several months lay in camp Hughes, one-half mile south of town, before being called to the front. A visit to the old camp site is always one of the features of the reunion since it has been held in Gosport. During the past ten years attendance at the reunions has very materially decreased each year, owing to the depletion of numbers occasioned by death. Within a very few years the event will become only a memory. At the coming reunion a new president of the organization will be elected, since the former president, James Crouch, of this place answered the final taps several months ago.

Captain James Henry Speaks

Posted by Mike Dean

Gosport Reporter Newspaper Aug. 31, 1928

From Capt. James R. Henry, at Washington, D. C. comes the following personal analysis of Alfred E. Smith, the Democratic nominee for President: "It is a conceded fact, that in no other city in the United States has immorality, crime and wickedness prospered to a greater degree than in New York City, one of the great cities, the home of Smith, a Legislator, Governor, and now Democratic Nominee for President of the United States, and no man has had a greater influence and power in the control of the morals of that great city than Governor Smith, and what has he accomplished? People say he is popular, and has made a fine governor. The population of New York City is composed chiefly of foreigners who are mostly ignorant Catholics, whether educated or uneducated. He is popular simply and only through the efforts and determination of those of his own faith to bring him into the limelight to the extent of making him President of the United States if possible. Many Protestant Democrats believe because of the publicity given him through the Catholic faction of the Press, that he has been and is an extraordinary man. What has he accomplished to improve our country, even to the slightest degree? Some say he is for the working man, and is good to the poor. (sorry last line missing)


Posted by Mike Dean

Gosport Reporter July 27, 1928

Prohibition may be an awful hardship, but, boys, we are a darn sight better off than we were ten years ago, when not only did they take our poison away from us, but they would not even let us have enough sugar or light to be of any benefit. And we had to eat all kinds of dog's messes instead of foods we had been used to and longed for, and most of us got stomach trouble and have had it ever since. Yes, those may be hard days but---.

Gosport Ten Years Ago

Posted by Mike Dean

Gosport Reporter Aug. 17, 1928

Allowance for sugar for canning purposes per family decreased from twenty-five pounds to ten pounds per month

Old Women

Posted by Mike Dean

Gosport Reporter July 27, 1928

"It was on the road to Hollybrook, an old like woman driving a horse and buggy, on her way to Gosport to do her trading. Nothing odd about that much, except the horse and vehicle. But that isn't all. Firmly gripped between her lips was an old fashioned clay pipe with regulation reed stem, and the smoke from a choice twist was coming from her mouth in short, sharp puffs that only our great grandmothers affected. Something peculiar about that. Men invariably smoke a pipe with long drawn, lazy puffs, but if you are old enough to remember the pipe-smoking days of women folk, you will recall that you never saw a woman puff in that fashion. It was always the short, quick sharp puff, vaguely reminding one of the staccato bark of a fox. Had I met one of the modern set consuming a cigarette at the end of a holder in that languid manner our feminine cigarettists seem to consider so charming, my equanimity would not have been jarred in the least---but an old fashioned clay pipe! It was like coming around a corner suddenly and meeting an ancient whom we were sure we saw buried with our own eyes years ago.


Posted by Kathy Bargerhuff

Owen County Democrat, 7 August 1924

George Griffin Clark, who has been visiting his grandmother, Mrs. George R. Griffin, left Monday in his car for Chicago.


Posted by Kathy Bargerhuff

Owen County Democrat, 7 August 1924

The 53rd annual Quincy picnic will be held his year on Thursday, August 14th. In point of attendance this picnic has always been a success. Each succeeding year it has grown until now it has become and established institution. The management this year believe that they have secured some very good speakers and entertainments. Among those who will be present and give addresses are Hon. Ed Jackson, secretary of state, Willis E. Gill, State represenative for Owen and Putnam, and J. E. Sedwick of Martinsville. With these interesting speakers and the usual entertainments, the picnic this year promises to be the best ever held.

Weddings Birthdays Anniversaries Reunions Business/Failures Crime Accidents
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News Clippings Page

Debbie Jennings