Epidemics/Wide-Spread Illnesses These pages last updated December 16, 2010
We, in researching deal with many ancestors that seemingly "vanish" into thin air. For that reason, I have created this section dealing with the many different epidemics or diseases that weren't of epidemic proportion but still took the lives of many persons in the communities. This occurred due to lack of medical care available or simply through easy transmission of these diseases.
These lists are in no way complete. I need your assistance in submitting any ancestors you might have that died of these or other infectious diseases. Please submit them
to me. I look forward to your submissions!! Please include: Ancestors Name Area they resided in Cause of Death Date of Death Your Full Name. If you should find that I have missed any of the major illnesses spreading through our counties, please let me know. I have chosen to classify these by diseases, notations are made as to the area they were from and the submitter's name. In time, I hope this to be a source for other researchers as well as them learning about what illnesses were in what areas at what point in time. As with the influenza epidemic in 1918; these deaths probably wouldn't be found on any of the available mortality schedules. This will be a work in progress as long as I receive submissions.
That Effected Communities