Businesses & Failures Page last updated January 15, 2010
Morgan Gazette; 28 October 1856
Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff
Dr. L. M. Cox, after an absence of a few months, is again at his post, and will attend to the afflicted in all the various forms requiring medical aid. Those desiring his services, will inquire at the THOMAS HOUSE. Martinsville
Morgan Gazette; April 11, 1857
Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff
At a meeting of the Morgan County Agricultural Society held at Monrovia March 28th, 1857; On motion the Society went into the election of President, Directors, &c., which resulted as follows:--For President, William B. Thompson; Vice President, Uriah Ballard; Secretary, A. Hadley; Treasurer, J.T. Marlette. Directors-- Adams Township, Andrew Snoddy; Monroe Township, R. McCracken; Brown Township, William McCracken; Madison Township, Allen Hicklin; Harrison Township, Cyrus Whitsell; Green Township, James Prather; Jackson Township, John Vawter; Washington Township, Henry Sims; Baker Township, John C. Baker; Clay Township, Jackson Record; Gregg Township, James B. Hinkle; Jefferson Township, William Hines; Ray Township, Grafton B. Whitaker. After transacting business, adjourned to meet at Centerton on Saturday the 18th of April at 10 o'clock A.M.
FURNITURE! at Reduced Prices!
Morgan Gazette; December 6, 1857
Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff
In consequence of the scarcity of money, and the advantages of having it, I have determined to sell, for the next thirty days the whole of my present stock of HOME-MADE FURNITURE! Those persons who will need furniture for the next six months to come, will do well to give me a call, and get bargains, for it is evident, when I close, that Furniture will go up, as it will be impossible for me to manufacture at the prices I now offer. P. S. - I want my friends and the public generally to understand that I am still on hand, ready to manufacture everything in my line; and when my services are needed in the "UNDERTAKING BUSINESS", they will find me well prepared with ready-made coffins of all sizes, and a new hearse, for their accomodation. D.F. ZURHORST, Northwest Corner of Public Square, Martinsville
Morgan Gazette; December 14, 1857
Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff
The annual meeting of the Morgan County Agricultural Society will be held at Centerton on Saturday the 16 day of January next for the purpose of electing a new board of Directors and other officers of the Society for the year 1858, All persons feeling an interest in the welfare of the Society are respectfully invited to attend and take part in the selection of the new board. -- Joel Matthews, Secretary; December 14, 1857
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