
Page last updated December 13, 2009

Ritter Family Reunion

Posted by Debbie Jennings

Gosport Reporter; September 12, 1930

Mr and Mrs Theodore Ritter and children attended the FULFORD family reunion, south of Martinsville, Sunday (Debbie's Note: September 28, 1930)


Posted by Debbie Jennings

Martinsville Reporter September 1941

Approximately one hundred relatives of the Ludwell Carter family gathered Sunday September 8 at the old home place near Plano for their annual reunion. The gracious hosts and hostesses , Earl Carter, a grandson of the late Ludwell and Margaret Carter and family now occupy the home.

At noon a bountiful dinner was spread under the large shade tree, in the afternoon a trio composed of Ben McGinnis and sons sang two numbers. A short talk was given by Rev. Wilbur McGinnis and Mrs Belle McGinnis sang. A business meeting following resulting in the election of Mrs Virgil Whitaker, president; Mrs. Icy Teeters, secretary; and James Carter, treasurer. Statistics showed the oldest one present was a daughter, Mrs. Belle (Carter) McGinnis who is eighty one years of age. Two babies, Larry Wayne Rumple and Forrest McGinnis Jr. have been born since the last reunion. No deaths have occured among the families of those present. Only two were present who were not related by birth or marriage to the family. Seventeen were present who were not there last year and six who had never attended before.

The reunion will be held next year the second Sunday in August at the same place.

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Debbie Jennings